Michigan Chapter PAVM

The San Damaso Fountain

One of the many things that sets this fountain apart is its outstanding location.  The fountain resides in the prominent Apostolic Courtyard created by Alessandro Algardi in 1649.  The San Damaso fountain is seen by the Pope every day and every time he travels in and out of the Apostolic Palace and the Papal Apartments.  Although Patrons on their private tour of the Vatican Museums may visit this courtyard, the public is otherwise restricted because of its use by the Holy Father and visiting dignitaries.  The courtyard also provides convenient passage for members of the Papal Household between St Peter’s Basilica, the Halls of Audience, the Secretary of State, the Vatican Museums.  It is here where the Swiss Guard ceremoniously swear the allegiance until death to the Supreme Pontiff.  For those who recall the last day of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate, this is the courtyard where he bid a tearful farewell to the Vatican staff and Swiss Guard who he loved so dearly.

The white veined marble fountain is placed between the middle arches and columns on the north side of the lodges.  The fountain’s octagonal basin rests on two marble steps that perfectly echo its shape.  The front of the basin is a bas-relief portrait of Pope Damasus baptizing a group of Neophytes.  Pope Damasus is represented on the right side, with the miter.  On the left is a woman tenderly holding a child, preceded by a man who comes close to the Pope to receive the sacrament.  In the background are six people patiently awaiting the Pope and their baptism.  Also shown is a man taking the Popes robe as a sign of service and devotion.


The water springs from the decorative central font in the basin and on the sides of the vase.  Two pair of dolphins rest on cones festooned with shells.

The San Damaso fountain was in very poor state of preservation with layers of calcium, deposits of scale, algae, oxidation and cracks.  Parts of the dolphins were eroded or missing entirely.  The fountain was painstakingly restored and once again takes its prominent place in the San Damaso section of the Apostolic Courtyard.

Final Report on the Restoration Process

The restoration of the Damaso Fountain was completed in 2012.  CLICK HERE to read the report.

Photos of the Restoration Process

CLick on any photo to launch a slideshow.  Photos are provided courtesy of Patrons and taken during private tours.