Michigan Chapter PAVM

Raphael Tapestry Update April/May 2021

May 4, 2021

Dear MI-PAVM Members,

It is with great joy that we share the email below from Romina Cometti from the Vatican Patrons Rome office announcing the successful completion of the restoration of the Blinding of Elymas Raphael Tapestry. We will soon be announcing our biannual pilgrimage to visit Rome in November and view its completion in person!

We also pause to recognize and thank our late and dear friend, Dave Stone, whose patronage as Trustee of the Stange Foundation made this restoration possible, along with the many members who made incredible matching gifts. Thank you!

We will share the final restoration report and look forward to celebrating the completion of this historic project together in Rome in November.

Very best,

Suzanne and Tony Rea

Kristan and John Hale


April 30, 2021

Dear John,

On behalf of Father Kevin Lixey LC I am writing to inform you that the restoration of the tapestry “The Blinding of Elymas” is finished and the result is astonishing!

I am so happy that you are coming to visit soon and you will be able to see firsthand the fruits of your generosity and support.

I hope you will enjoy watching the photos from the final restoration meeting which took place this past Wednesday in the Tapestry Restoration Laboratory! Soon the final restoration report will be ready and sent to you. 

This tapestry is truly wonderful and will soon be displayed in the Pinacoteca in the Hall of Raphael with the other tapestries by Raphael. Hopefully, in time for your visit!

Looking forward to see you soon!

Warmly Yours,


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